Lalabye Fluff Madness


8 diaper designs go head to head to decide on Lalabye Baby’s future diaper design, and only YOU can determine the winner!

Rock Your Vote!

You will click a SurveyMonkey link to vote from the post on the Lalabye Baby Facebook page. Only one vote per person. There will be 7 voting polls that span about two weeks. Only one survey will be open at a time. Once one closes, the next will open. Round one has four match ups; round two has two match ups, and round three is the final vote. After the final vote, the idea is turned over to Melissa and her designer to create the real life diaper.

Voting opened February 4th for round one.


And the winner by a very small margin was….


Match-up Two of Round One is currently open for voting:

Transportation vs. Hot Air Balloons













Each person may vote *once* during the voting period per IP address. Voting is open from 12pm CST Monday, Feb. 6 until 10am CST Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 10am CST. Winner (of this specific vote) will be announced Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 11am CST.

Just a reminder to all participants: Collages are made by Lalabye Mamas and are meant to be inspiration boards. They are not the actual diaper design. They are borrowed images to help reflect the vision of the specific Lalabye Mama. The actual diaper will be created by Lalabye Baby’s designer and will reflect the style of Lalabye Baby. Vision boards are to help you envision our ideas!

The next vote for Match-Up Three:

It’s Raining Cats & Dogs vs. Punk Rock Peacock

will open at 12pm CST Wednesday.

3 thoughts on “Lalabye Fluff Madness

  1. I love this idea of doing a bracket and having people vote! Thanks for listening to your customers and making what they vote on!!


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